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Audio podcast: How many lawsuits?

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BC Court Services Online Registry
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Petition to call BCMA Special Meeting signature sheet
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Podcasts and Attacks on the BMCA board.Public
There are many new officers on the BCMA board, contributing in the best possible way to helping us all reach the desired goal.
Unfortunately, the publication of these podcasts and other materials hurts all of us. Not only those individuals who are being targeted by these broadcasts, but all elected BCMA officials. Even those who are doing their best to make a difference for all of us.
I would suggest we let the courts work through the process, and let us concentrate on our job. All we want to do is ensure that all doctors in BC get the very best from the public and government in return for our contribution to society.
All that I can see happening on this forum is a constant attempt to diminish and devalue the work of the entire board. The credibility of this site goes down with this type of broadcast. Allowing this unedited material to exist hurts all of us including the attacker.
district 3. delegate.
district 3 delegatePublic
district 3 delegate:
What is your objection to the podcasts - the dissemination of factual information that members ought to know, or the right of physicians to freedom of expression?
I am puzzled by your comment, "... let the courts work through the process, and let us concentrate on our job." DID YOU WRITE THIS? If so, can you explain why it contradicts your campaign statement only one year ago as part of the Leaders4Change on its website, "With respect to the legal issues between Dr Caroline Wang and the BCMA board, I urge an expedited out-of-court settlement. This case is of no help to us. It has devalued respect with government, the public and the membership. The only winners are the lawyers involved in this suite. This will be one of my first priorities."
If you believe this matter should be decided by the courts, can you explain as a BCMA board member why the board is using the membership's money to drive up legal costs in the order of hundreds of thousands of dollars (also undisclosed in the recent Chair of Board report) with unnecessary and unreasonable applications to the court to delay and obstruct the normal proceedings?
Most importantly, this kind of personal attack against physicians for expressing their viewpoints and sharing information with other colleagues in this forum appears to be a subtle form of bullying that has no place in our profession. Is this to deflect attention from the actions of the board that has caused this disastrous lawsuit, to avoid accountability?
The problem is that the board is not doing its job, and its actions are hurting the physicians of BC and the general public. This is a serious matter. Those board members unable to fulfill their fiduciary duty to the membership of the association should step down and allow others to do the job, so the board can function as it should. This will begin to restore the credibility of the BCMA (not BMCA) that is in everyone's best interest.
Caroline Wang, MD